Monday 4 February 2013

Woaaaah woah, the cliftonites !

... The Downs was muddy ... 
... the Westbury Parkers were scared ... 
... They had visions of their shiny people carriers plastered in filth at the end of the match ...

... but ...

... The game was off ...

But then, woooah, oh, the Cliftonites came up trumps and invited us round theirs for Astro turf heaven !
. Ned . Kaye . Arthur . George . Kione . Harry . Lawrence . Aran . Maxi . 

... Game on ...

Our 9 versus their 25 ... it could be tricky. So we lined up for battle, got into formation, then waited 5 minutes for them to finish their team talk. We kicked off at about 11, which was a shame for Marcus as he'd been there since dawn, being the victim of a cruel coach's 10am kick off hoax devised purely to get the latecomers there on time.

The orange dervishes started their attack, and our candy striped rebels looked clumsy and out of practice. Too many snow days and rainstorms !

BOOM ! One nil down ! 

Things were looking bleak.

Until ... the plan came together , passes were being threaded through, the boys had woken up and remembered what they came here to do.

A shot on goal ! Then another. We were getting closer. 

Suddenly, a break ! The ball broke free in the area, Arthur shuffled his bottom faster than a speeding train and slammed that pigskin into the back of the net !

1-1 !

With a renewed vigour, the boys continued on, until again, a break ! The midfield swept the ball to Max, he took 3 steps to the right, the defenders were closing in, he struck .... and the ball floated into the top left corner !

2-1 !

Now, as tactics go, we at the foxes have a simple strategy. Just keep playing in exactly the same way, whatever the score.

Unfortunately, not pulling everyone back into the now famous defensive "Lamont Line" of at least 6 defenders, meant the Cliftonites slipped through. A fumbled ball, time stood still, a foot away from the goal line, could we clear it in time ???

No ! 

2-2 !

The whistle blew. A good game. A fair result. 

But now the pressure was really on. Our team of 9 now went down to 8, as Aran had to leave due to other commitments and the fact that the opposition were dragging out the morning, probably because it was lovely and sunny.
The Cliftonites were very accommodating though and fielded a team of 8 themselves. But this was a new 8, straight off the bench, with fresh legs and more energy than the duracell bunny.

Would it be too much for our boys ? Would they feel the pace during this game ? 
Tension mounted, and we were off.

Tiredness was not an issue it seemed. The boys were on fire. The previous game had got them battle ready, their fresh 8 were struggling and on the back foot !

We peppered their goal with several shots. Their defence was strong though, until suddenly, a break ! The ball broke free in the area, Arthur shuffled his bottom faster than a speeding train and slammed that pigskin into the back of the net ! 

Right place. Right time !


Could this be the start of something wonderful ? Our defence was strong, our keepers were doing a fine job, our midfielders were chasing every ball down, and our lone striker, well, he was just popping them in.

Suddenly, a break ! The ball broke free in the area, Arthur shuffled his bottom faster than a speeding train and slammed that pigskin into the back of the net ! 

Right place. Right time !

2-0 !

Should we change tactics ? Restructure ? Fire up the 'Lamont Line' ?!

Naaaaah !

... So they scored . Bottom corner. Even a valiant dive from Maxi, looking like Joe Hart in a head and shoulders commercial, couldn't quite get to it.

2-1. Half time. 

And then we started to feel it. The legs getting slower, the tackles getting sloppier. Until finally, the inevitable happened and the United front of Clifton popped in an equalizer a minute from time.


But, you know what, it was okay. We'd done ourselves proud. In a previous game against Clifton, we'd lost 7-1, so two draws was a-okay !

Well done Foxes, you were all brilliant. Thanks to each and every one of you.

A special shout goes out to our volunteer(ed) goalkeepers, Ned, Lawrence, Max and Kione, for stepping up without complaint to stick the gloves on.

Onwards and upwards folks !